Saturday, September 4, 2010

Okay, Uncle, I Give, Allee-Allee-In Free!

See those phrases?  Just my way of saying I surrender.  Per usual, I decided to catch up to others in my family and start my own blog. Kind of like how I lived with them - faking like I was in front leading all the way when actually they were dragging me down a path of becoming someone else.  I must say, however, they did a good job. The who I am now is a bit better than the who I was. Which is just the opposite of The Who. And the Stones for that matter.

As for the blog, I can't tell you what to expect, except I like collecting and retelling stories,(and re-retelling them, hence my wife C helped me with the name of my blog). If we still lived in hunter/gather societies, I'd probably be the story teller, except not the really good one. I'd be his opening act, warming up the clan, making sure that compared to me he'd still sound good even if he bombed. My problem is, while I really do enjoy all that folk lore and stuff, it's my nature to slip in a few scientific facts here and there, like what really causes thunder.

Also, like Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm, I have developed over the years a set of rules that I think everyone should live by, or at least they should be aware of them so they can feel decidedly guilty when not following them.  As such, I think it only fair that I also point out to others when people don't follow these rules. 

In my defense I will say that I don't nearly have as many rules as Larry seems to have. But other than that, we are alike is many respects. We both have about the same sense of humor in that we are both keen observers of life's ironies. His because he's Jewish, and mine because I'm registering right there with him on the Guilt-O Meter. I'm Polish Catholic.

Or was anyway. 

I mean the Catholic part. Try as I might, stopping from being Polish isn't as easy as just not going to church anymore. 

OK. I think that's enough. Besides, anyone who made it this far, deserves a break...

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